

Using Large Language Models for research

How long would it take to read 10,000 scientific articles? Even at a rate of 10 per day, it would take almost three years! Yet, within these papers lie untapped insights that could transform agriculture in the face of climate change. At finres, we’re leveraging cutting-edge AI tools, including Large Language Models [...]
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The new normal: French agriculture in an era of climate extremes

New analysis from finres highlighting the scale of the devastation caused by the wet agricultural season in 2024, the increased frequency of such climate extremes in the near future, but also what can be done.
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Harnessing the Power of Machine Learning for Agricultural Adaptation

In the world of climate science, one of the most complex challenges lies in producing accurate seasonal forecasts. These forecasts are critical for agriculture, as they enable farmers to make informed decisions about what to plant, when to plant, and how to manage their resources over the coming months. However, achieving accurate [...]
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Weathering the Storms: Mapping France’s Agricultural Future with Machine Learning

Finres produced the first ever high-resolution, geo-specific crop risk and adaptation prioritization analysis for the French agricultural sector.
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